Posted by : IMAGIFA 3/21/2011

biasanya dibutuhkan untuk MCC & MNC setting di smartphones

MCC adalah 3 digit awal

MNC adalah 2 digit akhir


MCC: 510


MNC: 10

51010 = Telkomsel - Indonesia

41220 = Telephone Development Co,Afghanistan

41201 = Telephone Systems Int Inc - Afghanistan

27601 = Albanian Mobile Comms - Albania

27602 = Vodafone - Albania

60301 = Algerian Telecom AMN - Algeria

60302 = Orascom Telecom Algerie Spa - algeria

54411 = Blue Sky - American Samoa

21303 = S.T.A. MobilAnd - Andorra

63102 = Unitel - Angola

34403 = APUA PCS - Antigua & Barbuda

72235 = PORT HABLE - Argentina

72234 = Telecom Personal SA - Argentina

72207 = UNIFON - Argentina

28301 = ArmenTel - Armenia

36301 = SETAR - Aruba

50506 = Hutchinson 3G - Australia

50501 = Telstra Mobile Comms - Australia

50503 = Vodafone - Australia

50502 = Singtel Optus - Australia

23205 = Connect Austria One - Austria

23210 = 3 AT - Austria

23201 = MobilKom Austria A1 - Austria

23203 = T-Mobile - Austria

23207 = Tele.ring - Austria

40001 = Azercell Telekom B.M. - Azerbaijan

40002 = J.V.Bakcell GSM 2000 - Azerbaijan

36439 = Bahamas Telcom Co - Bahamas

42601 = Batelco - Bahrain

47001 = Grameen Phone - Bangladesh

47003 = Sheba Telecom - Bangladesh

47002 = TM Int'l AKTEL - Bangladesh

342600 = Cable & Wireless - Barbados

342??? = Sunbeach Comms - Barbados

25702 = MTS - Belarus Republic

25701 = VELCOM - Belarus Republic

20620 = BASE - Belium

20601 = Belgacom Mobile Proximus - Belgium

20610 = Mobistar - Belgium

70267 = Belize Telecom - Belize

70268 = Int Telecom INTELCO - Belize

616004 = BBCOM - Benin

61601 = LIBERCOM - Benin

61603 = BeninCell - Benin

61602 = TELECEL BENIN - Benin

35002 = BTC MOBILITY - Bermuda

40211 = BpMobile - Bhutan

73602 = Entel SA - Bolivia

73601 = Nuevatel PCS - Bolivia

21803 = Eronet Mobile Comms - Bosnia Herzegovina

21805 = Mobilna Srpske - Bosnia Herzegovina

21890 = Public Enterprise GSMBIH - Bosnia Herzegovina

65201 = Mascom Wireless - Botswana

65202 = Orange - Botswana

724 03,02,04 = TIM Celular - Brazil

72431 = TNL PCS - Brazil

52811 = DST Communications - Brunei Darussalam

28405 = GLOBUL - Bulgaria

28401 = MobilTel AD M-TEL - Bulgaria

61302 = CELTEL - Burkina Faso

61303 = TELECEL Faso SA - Burkina Faso

64202 = SAFARIS Africell PLC - Burundi

64201 = Spacetel Burundi - Burndi

45601 = CamGSM - Cambodia

45602 = Cambodia Samart Comms - Cambodia

45618 = Cambodia Shinawatra - Cambodia

62401 = MTN Cameroon - Cameroon


30237 = Microcell Connexions Inc FIDO - Canada

302-00001 = Fido - Canada

30272 = Rogers AT&T - Canada

62501 = Cabo Verde Telecom CVMOVEL - Cape Verde

346140 = Cable & Wireless - Cavman Islands

623 = Telecel - Central African Republic

62201 = Celtel Tchad SA - Chad

62202 = LIBERTIS Tchad Mobile SA - Chad

73010 = Entel PCS Telecom. - Chile

73001 = Entel Telefonia Movil - Chile

73002 = Telefonica Movil de Chile - Chile

46000 = China MobileComms Corp - China

46001 = China Unicom CU-GSM - China

732103 = Colombia Movil SA - Colombia

62901 = CelTel Congo - Congo

62910 = LIBERTIS Telecom - Congo

63004 = CELLCO - Congo Republic

63002 = CelTel - Congo Republic

63089 = OASIS, SAIT Telecom - Congo Republic

63001 = Vodacom CONGO-GSM - Congo Republic

71201 = ICE - Costa Rica

61201 = Comstar Cellular Network - Cote d'Ivoire

61205 = Loteny Telecom Telecel - Cote d'Ivoire

61203 = Orange - Cote d'Ivoire

21901 = HTmobile - Croatia

21910 = VIPnet - Croatia

36801 = C_Com - Cuba

28001 = CYTA GSM - Cyprus

23003 = Cesky Mobil OSKAR MOBILE - Czech Republic

23002 = EuroTel Praha - Czech Republic

23001 = T-Mobile - Czech Republic

23800 = Debitel - Denmark

238-00001 = Debitel 3510i - Denmark

23830 = Orange - Denmark

23802 = Sonofon - Denmark

23801 = TDC Mobil - Denmark

23820 = Telia Denmark - Denmark

37001 = Orange - Dominican Republic

74001 = Conecel - Equador

60201 = MobiNil - Egypt

60202 = Vodafone - Egypt

70601 = CTE Telecom - El Salvador

62701 = GETESA - Equatorial Guinea

24801 = AS EMT Estonian Mobile Telephone - Estonia

24802 = Radiolinja Eesti - Estonia

24803 = TELE2 - Estonia

63601 = Ethiopian Telecoms Auth. - Ethiopia

28801 = Faroese Telecom - Faroe Islands

28802 = KALL-GSM - Faroe Islands

54201 = Vodafone Fiji - Fiji

24414 = Alands Mobiltelefon - Finland

24409 = Finnet Group - Finland

24405 = Radiolinja - Finland

24491 = Sonera Corporation - Finland

24412 = Suomen 2G Oy - Finland

24403 = Telia Finland - Finland

20820 = Bouygues Telecom - France

20801 = Orange - France

20810 = SFR - France

54720 = Tikiphone - French Polynesia

34020 = Bouygues Telecom - French West Indies

34001 = Orange Caraibe - French West Indies

34003 = Saint Martin - French West Indies

62803 = CelTel Gabon - Gabon Republic

62801 = Libertis - Gabon Republic

62802 = Telecel Gabon - Gabon Republic

60702 = AFricell - Gambia

60701 = GAMCELL - Gambia

28201 = Geocell Limited - Georgia

28202 = Magti GSM - Georgia

26203 = E-Plus Mobilfunk - Germany

26213 = Mobilcom Multimedia - Germany

26207 = O2 - Germany

26201 = T-Mobile - Germany

26202 = Vodafone - Germany

62002 = Ghana Telecom Mobile - Ghana

62003 = Millicom MOBITEL - Ghana

62001 = ScanCom SPACEFON - Ghana

26601 = Gibraltar Telecoms Gibtel - Gibraltar

20201 = Cosmote - Greece

20209 = Info Quest - Greece

20209 = Q-Telecom - Greece

20210 = Telestet - Greece

20205 = Vodafone Panafon - Greece

29001 = Tele Greenland - Greenland

35213 = Trans-World Telecom - Grenada

23455 = Cable & Wireless - Guernsey

61102 = Sotelgui Lagui - Guinea

61101 = Mobilis Guinea - Guinea

45400 = Hong Kong Telecom CSL - Hong Kong

45404 = Hutchison Telecom Orange Dual Band - Hong Kong

45403 = Hutchinson Telecom - Hong Kong

45410 = New World PCS - Hong Kong

45412 = Peoples Telephone - Hong Kong

45406 = SmarTone Mobile Comms - Hong Kong

45416 = Sunday Comms - Hong Kong

21601 = Pannon GSM - Hungary

21670 = Vodaphone - Hungary

21630 = Westel 900 GSM Mobile - Hungary

27404 = Viking Wireless - Iceland

27401 = Iceland Telecom Siminn - Iceland

27403 = Islandssimi - Iceland

27402 = TAL hf - Iceland

40415 = Aircel Digilink - India

40460 = Aircell Digilink Rajathan:India

40401 = Aircell Digilink Haryana - India

40442 = Aircell - India

40427 = BPL Mobile Maharashtra/Goa - India

40443 = BPL Mobile Nadu/Pondicherry - India

40446 = BPL Mobile Kerala - India

40421 = BPL Mobile Mumbai - India

404 34,38,51,53,54,55,57,58,59,62,64,66,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,79,80 = CellOne - India

40410 = Airtel - Delhi - India

40431 = AirTel - Kolkata - India

40496 = AirTel - Haryana - India

40495 = AirTel - Kerala - India

40494 = AirTel - Tamilnadu - India

40497 = AirTel - Uttar Pradesh (West) - India

40492 = AirTel - Mumbai Metro - India

40498 = AirTel - Gujarat - India

40490 = AirTel - Maharashtra - India

40493 = AirTel - Madhya Pradesh - India

40445 = AirTel - Karnataka - India

40449 = AirTel - Andhra Pradesh - India

40402 = AirTel - Punjab - India

40440 = AirTel - City Of Madras - India

40403 = AirTel - Himachai Pradesh Circle - India

40412 = ESCOTEL Haryana - India

40456 = ESCOTEL UP(W) - India

40419 = ESCOTEL Kerala - India

40405 = HUTCH - India

40470 = Oasis Cellular - India

40413 = HESL - Andhra Pradesh - India

40484 = HESL - Chennai - India

40486 = HESL - Karnataka - India

40411 = HUTCH - India

40420 = Orange - India

404030 = HUTCH - City of Calcutta - India

40422 = IDEA - Maharashtra Circle - India

40407 = IDEA - Andhra Pradesh Circle - India

40424 = IDEA - Gujarat Circle - India

40404 = IDEA - Delhi Circle - India

40478 = IDEA - Madhya Pradesh - India

40468 = Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd Delhi - India

40469 = Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd Mumbai - India

40441 = RPG MAA - India

404 09,18,36,50,52,67,85 = Reliance Telecom Private:India

40414 = SPICE - Punjab - India

40444 = SPICE - Karnataka - India

50521 = INDOSAT-M3 - Indonesia

50508 = Lippo Telecom - Indonesia

51001 = PT. Satelindo IND SATELINDOCEL - Indonesia

51010 = Telkomsel - Indonesia

51011 = PT. Excelcomindo Excelcom - Indonesia

43214 = Payam Kish - Iran

43211 = TCI - Iran

41801 = Iraq Telecom - Iraq

27203 = Meteor - Ireland

27202 = O2 Comms - Ireland

27201 = Vodaphone (was Eirecell) - Ireland

23458 = PRonto GSM - Isle Of Man

42502 = Cellcom - Israel

42501 = Partner Communications ORANGE - Israel

22299 = H3G - Italy

22201 = Telecom Italia Mobile TIM - Italy

22210 = Vodafone Omnitel - Italy

22288 = Wind Telecomunicazioni - Italy

338180 = Cable & Wireless Jamaica - Jamaica

33805 = Mossel DIGICEL - Jamaica

44020 = J-Phone - Japan

44010 = NTT DoCoMo - Japan

42505 = JAWWAL

23450 = Jersey Telecom JT GSM - Jersey

41601 = J.M.T.S Fastlink - Jordan

41677 = Petra Jordanian Mobile MOBILECOM - Jordan

40102 = K'Cell - Kazakhstan

40101 = K-Mobile - Kazakhstan

63903 = Kencell - Kenya

63902 = Safaricom - Kenya

54509 = Kiribati Frigate - Kiribati

41902 = Mobile Telecoms MTCNet - Kuwait

41903 = Wataniya Telecom - Kuwait

43701 = Bitel - Kyrgyz Republic

45702 = ETL Mobile - Lao

45703 = LAT Mobile - Lao

45701 = Lao Telecoms - Lao

45708 = Millicom Lao Co - Lao

24701 = Latvian Mobile Tel. - Latvia

24702 = TELE2 BALTCOM GSM - Latvia

41501 = FTML Cellis - Lebanon

41503 = LibanCell - Lebanon

65102 = Econet Ezi-Cel - Lesotho

65101 = Vodacom - Lesotho

61801 = Lonestar Cell Communications - Liberia

29505 = FL1 Mobilkom - Liechtenstein

29502 = Orange FL - Liechtenstein

29577 = Tele 2 AG - Liechtenstein

29501 = Telecom FL AG - Liechtenstein

24601 = Omnitel - Lithuania

24602 = UAB Bite GSM - Lithuania

24603 = TELE2 - Lithuania

27001 = P+T LUXGSM - Luxembourg

27077 = Millicom Tango GSM - Luxembourg

45501 = C.T.M. TELEMOVEL+ - Macau

45503 = Hutchinson Telecom - Macau

45500 = SMC Maca Smartone Mobile Comms - Macau

29401 = Macedonian Tel. MobiMak - Macedonia

29402 = MTS AD - Macedonia

64601 = Madacom - Madagascar

64602 = SMM Antaris - Madagascar

64603 = Sacel - Madagascar

65010 = CelTel - Malawi

65001 = Telekom Network Callpoint - Malawi

50219 = Celcom - Malaysia

50216 = DiGi Telecommunications - Malaysia

50212 = Maxis Mobile - Malaysia

50217 = TIMECel - Malaysia

50213 = Telekom Cellular TM Touch - Malaysia

50202 = My BSB - Malaysia

50203 = Binariang - Malaysia

47201 = DhiMobile GSM - Maldives

61002 = IKATEL - Mali

61001 = Malitel - Mali

27821 = go Mobile - Malta

27801 = Vodafone - Malta

60901 = MATTEL - Mauritania

60910 = MAURITEL - Mauritania

61701 = Cellplus Mobile Comms - Mauritius

61710 = EMTEL - Mauritius

33403 = MOVISTAR GSM - Mexico

334020 = TELCEL GSM - Mexico

55001 = FSM Telecoms - Micronesia

25902 = Moldcell - Moldova

25901 = Voxtel - Moldova

42899 = MobiCom - Mongolia

22001 = MOBTEL - Montenegro

22004 = MONET - Monenegro

22002 = YU O2 - Montenegro

22003 = Mobilna Telefonija Srbiji - Montenegro

60401 = Itissalat Al-Maghrib IAM - Morocco

60400 = Meditel - Morocco

64301 = T D M Mcel - Mozambique

41401 = MPT GAM Network - Myanmar

64901 = MTC - Namibia

42901 = Nepal Mobile - Nepal

20408 = KPN Telecom - Netherlands

20412 = O2 - Netherlands

20420 = Orange - Netherlands

20416 = T-Molbile - Netherlands

20404 = Vodafone Libertel - Netherlands

36269 = Curaco Telecom CF GSM - Netherlands Antilles

36291 = UTS Wireless Curacao - Netherlands Antilles

36251 = Telcell N.V. - Netherlands Antilles

54601 = OPT Mobilis - New Caledonia

53001 = Vodafone - New Zealand

53003 = Telecom NZ - New Zealand

53004 = Telstra - New Zealand

71021 = ENITEL - Nicaragua

71073 = SERCOM SA - Nicaragua

61402 = CelTEL Niger - Niger

62120 = Econet Wireless Nigeria - Nigeria

62150 = Glo Mobile - Nigeria

62130 = MTN Nigeria - Nigeria

62140 = NITEL GSM - Nigeria

193 = NEAT & T - North Korea

24202 = NetCom GSM - Norway

24201 = Telenor Mobil - Norway

42202 = OMAN MOBILE Oman Telecoms - Oman

41001 = Mobilink - Pakistan

41003 = Ufone - Pakistan

42505 = Palestine Telecomms Co - Palestinian Authority

71401 = Cable & Wireless - Panama

53701 = Bee Mobile Comms - Papua New Guinea

74401 = VOX - Paraguay

74402Hutchinson - Paraguay

71610 = TIM Peru - Peru

51505 = Digitel Mobile/Sun Cellular

51502 = Globe Telecom - Philippines

51501 = Isla Comms - Philippines

51503 = Smart Gold GSM - Philippines

26003 = IDEA Centertel - Poland

26001 = Polkomtel PLUS GSM - Poland

26002 = ERA GSM - Poland

26803 = Optimus Telecom. - Portugal

26806 = Telecom Moveis Nac. TMN - Portugal

26801 = Vodafone Telecel - Portugal

42701 = Q-Tel QATARNET - Qatar

64700 = Orange Reunion - Reunion(LA)

64702 = Outremer Telecom - Reunion (LA)

64710 = Societe Reunionnaise SFR REUNION - Reunion

22603 = Cosmorom - Romania

22601 = MobiFon CONNEX GSM - Romania

22610 = Orange - Romania

25007 = BM Telecom - Russia

25012 = BaykalWestCom - Russia

25019 = INDIGO CJSC Novgorod - Russia

25099 = BeeLine - Russia

25019 = INDIGO CJSC Volgograd - Russia

25020 = Cellular Comms Udmurtia - Russia

25001 = Tambov RUS - Russia

25020 = TELE2 - Russia

25019 = Dal Telecom Int - Russia

25010 = Don Telecom - Russia

25017 = Ermak RMS - Russia

25012 = Far Eastern Cellular - Russia

25002 = MegaFon Moscow - Russia


25028 = Extel - Russia

25012 = Sakhalin GSM - Russia

25039 = JSC Uralsvyazinform - Russia

25011 = Orensot - Russia

25099 = Bee Line GSM - Russia

25013 = Kuban GSM - Russia

25020 = ECC - Russia

25002 = MegaFon - Russia

25005 = Mibile Comms Systems - Russia

25001 = Mobile Telesystems - Russia

25016 = New Telphone Co - Russia

25003 = NCC - Russia

25019 = INDIGO - Russia

25092 = Primetelefon - Russia

25020 = TELE2 - Russia

25004 = SIBCHALLENGE - Russia

25005 = Sayantelecom LLC - Russia

25020 = TELE2-OMSK - Russia

25005 = SCS-900 - Russia

25012 = Sibintertelecom - Russia

25039 = South Ural Cellular Telephone - Russia

25020 = St Peterburg TELE2 - Russia

25044 = North Caucasian GSM - Russia

25001 = SANTEL - Russia

25005 = Tomsk Cellular Comm - Russia

25039 = Uratel - Russia

25005 = Yeniseitelecom - Russia

25007 = ZAO SMARTS - Russia

25015 = ZAO SMARTS-Ufa - Russia

25002 = ZAO Ural GSM MegaFon - Russia

63510 = MTN Rwandacell - Rwanda

62601 = CSTmovel - Sao Tome & Principe

42001 = Saudi Telecom Co. Al Jawal - Saudi Arabia

42007 = Electronics App' Est. EAE - Saudi Arabia

60802 = Sentel GSM - Senegal

60801 = Sonatel ALIZE - Senegal

22001 = MOBTEL - Serbia

22004 = MONET - Serbia

22002 = YU O2 - Serbia

22003 = Mobilna Telefonija Srbiji - Serbia

63301 = Cable & Wireless Seychelles - Seychelles

63310 = AIRTEL - Seychelles

61901 = Celtel SL - Sierra Leone

61900 = LINTEL - Sierra Leone

52503 = MobileOne - Singapore

52501 = SingTel. ST-GSM 900 - Singapore

52502 = SingTel. ST-GSM 1800 - Singapore

53505 = StarHub - Singapore

23102 = EuroTel GSM - Slovak Republic

23101 = Orange SK - Slovak Republic

29341 = Mobitel - Slovenia

29340 = Si.mobil - Slovenia

29370 = Vega - Slovenia

63701 = BARAKAAT - Somalia

63710 = Nationlink - Somalia

63782 = Telsom Mobile - Somalia

65507 = Cell C (Pty) - South Africa

65510 = MTN - South Africa

65501 = Vodacom - South Africa

450 02,08 = KT ICOM - South Korea

21401 = VODAFONE Airtel Movil - Spain

21403 = AMENA Retevision Movil - Spain

21407 = MOVISTAR Telefonica Moviles - Spain

21402 = MOVISTAR Nokia 6100 - Spain

21404 = XFERA Xfera Moviles - Spain

41303 = CellTel Infiniti - Sri Lanka

41302 = MTN Networks Dialog GSM - Sri Lanka

413071 = Mobitel (Pvt)ltd - Sri Lanka

63401 = MobiTel - Sudan

74601 = ICMS - Suriname

74602 = TELESUR GSM - Suriname

65310 = Swazi MTN - Swaziland

24002 = 3 HI3G Sccess - Sweden

24007 = Comviq GSM - Sweden

24001 = Telia Mobile - Sweden

24008 = Vodafone - Sweden

22803 = Orange - Switzerland

22801 = SWISS GSM Swisscom - Switzerland

22802 = Sunrise - Switzerland

41702 = Spacetel Syria 94 - Syria

41709 = Syrian Telecom Est. MOBILE SYRIA - Syria

411701 = SYRIATEL - Syria

46692 = LDTA GSM Chunghwa Telecom - Taiwan

46601 = Far EasTone GSM 900/1800 Telecoms - Taiwan

46688 = KG Telecom - Taiwan

46693 = Mobitai Communications - Taiwan

46689 = T3G - Taiwan

46697 = Pacific Cellular GSM 1800 - Taiwan

46606 = TUNTEX Telecom - Taiwan

46699 = TransAsia Telecoms - Taiwan

43602 = Indigo Tajikistan - Tajikistan

43601 = JSC Somonsom - Tajikistan

43603 = Mobile Lines of Tajikistan - Tajikistan

43605 = Tajik Tel - Tajikistan

64005 = Celtel Tanzania - Tanzania

64002 = Mobitel - Tanzania

64004 = Vodacom Tanzania - Tanzania

64003 = ZANTEL - Tanzania

64001 = Tritel - Tanzania

52015 = ACT Mobile - Thailand

52001 = Advanced Info Service AIS - Thailand

52023 = Digital Phone GSM 1800 - Thailand

52099 = TA Orange - Thailand

52018 = Total Access Worldphone DTAC - Thailand

52010 = WCS IQ - Thailand

61501 = Togo Telecom TOGO CELL - Togo

53943 = Shoreline Comms - Tonga

53901 = U-CALL - Tonga

37412 = TSTT - Trinidad & Tobago

60503 = TUNISIANA - Tunisia

60502 = Tunisie Telecom TUNTEL - Tunisia

28604 = AYCELL - Turkey

28603 = ARIA - Turkey

28602 = TELSIM Mobil Telekom. - Turkey

28601 = Turk Telekom Turkcell - Turkey

310 27,58,66,80 = T-Mobile - U.S.A.

310-26 T-Mobile phasing out to this - U.S.A.

310-16 T-Mobile U.S.A.

310-20 T-Mobile Idaho U.S.A.

310-20 T-Mobile Oregon U.S.A.

310-20 T-Mobile Washington State U.S.A.

310-21 T-Mobile Iowa U.S.A.

310-22 T-Mobile Kansas U.S.A.

310-22 T-Mobile Oklahoma U.S.A.

310-23 T-Mobile Utah U.S.A.

310-24 T-Mobile New Mexico U.S.A.

310-24 T-Mobile Texas U.S.A.

310-24 T-Mobile Arizona U.S.A.

310-25 T-Mobile Hawaii U.S.A.

310-26 T-Mobile Colorado U.S.A.

310-26 Western Wireless Voicestream U.S.A.

310-31 T-Mobile Florida U.S.A.

31038 = AT&T - U.S.A. New Phones

31064 = Airadigm Comms - U.S.A.

31019 = Alaska Wireless DUTCH HARBOUR - U.S.A.

31000 = Alaska Digital - U.S.A.

31063 = Choice Wireless - U.S.A.

31000 = Cincinnati Bell Wireless - U.S.A.

310 150,170,410 = Cingular Wireless - U.S.A.

31069 = Conestoga - U.S.A.

31026 = Cook Inlet T-Mobile - U.S.A.

31000 = Corr Wireless Comms - U.S.A.

31056 = Dobson - U.S.A.

31010 = Plateau Wireless - U.S.A.

31090 = Edge Wireless - U.S.A.

31034 = Westlink Comms - U.S.A.

31007 = Highland - U.S.A.

31077 = Iowa Wireless Services - U.S.A.

31053 = West Virginia Wireless - U.S.A.

31068 = NPI Wireless - U.S.A.

31010 = Platau Wireless New Mexico - U.S.A.

31045 = North East Colorado Cellular - U.S.A.

31079 = PinPoint Wireless - U.S.A.

31050 = Public Service Cellular - U.S.A.

31020 = Smith Bagley - U.S.A.

31046 = TMP Corp - U.S.A.

31010 = Plateau Wireless Texas - U.S.A.

31011 = Wireless 2000 Telephone - U.S.A.

24407 U.S.A. 3650 ATT 351102500 - U.S.A.

31038 U.S.A. 3650 ATT 351102501 - U.S.A.

31038 U.S.A. 3650 ATT 351102502 - U.S.A.

31059 = Cellular One - U.S.A.

31002 = APC Sprint Spectrum - U.S.A.

31000 = Yorkville Telephone Co - U.S.A.

31015 = BellSouth Mobility DCS - U.S.A.

31016 = Omnipoint Communications - U.S.A.

31017 = Pacific Bell Wireless - Cingular - U.S.A.

31026 = Western Wireless Voicestream - T-Mobile - U.S.A.

24407 U.S.A. 3650 T-Mobile 351102500 - U.S.A.

31038 U.S.A. 3650 T-Mobile 351102501 - U.S.A.

31038 U.S.A. 3650 T-Mobile 351102502 - U.S.A.

31027 = Powertel - U.S.A.

31031 = Aerial Communications - U.S.A.

64101 = Celtel Cellular - Uganda

64110 = MTN Uganda - Uganda

64111 = UTL Telecel - Uganda

25505 = Golden Telecom - Ukraine

25503 = Kyivstar GSM - Ukraine

25501 = Ukrainian Mobile Comms - Ukraine

25502 = Ukrainian Radio Systems WellCOM - Ukraine

42402 = UAE ETISALAT-G2 - United Arab Emirates

42401 = UAE ETISALAT-G1 - United Arab Emirates

43405 = Coscom - Uzbekistan

43404 = Daewoo Unitel - Uzbekistan

43407 = Uzdunrobita GSM - Uzbekistan

43402 = Uzmacom - Uzbekistan

43401 = Buztel - Uzbekistan

54101 = SMILE - Vanuatu

73402 = DIGITEL - Venezuela

73403 = DIGITEL C.A. - Venezuela

73401 = Infonet - Venezuela

45202 = Vinaphone GPC - Vietnam

45201 = MOBIFONE - Vietnam

42102 = Spacetel-Yemen - Yemen

42101 = Yemen Mobile Phone Co SABAFON - Yemen

22001 = MOBTEL - Yugoslavia

22002 = ProMonte GSM - Yugoslavia

64501 = CELTEL - Zambia

64502 = Telecel Zambia Ltd - Zambia

64501 = Zamcell - Zambia

64804 = Econet - Zombabwe

64801 = NET*ONE - Zimbabwe

64803 = Telecel - Zimbabwe

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